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Tips 'n Tricks

Do you have a helpful hint or handy trick that will make any aspect of knitting easier? Share it! Post ideas on scrap yarn usages, stitch markers, color changing, maintaining your sanity while following a difficult pattern, etc. There is most probably someone out there that will benefit from your help. Need ideas yourself? Read others' comments--we all live and learn!

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Wednesday, September 02, 2009Name: linda

Subject: storage

Comment: i have found the 3 ring binder pencil case works for a lot of small stuff
i get mine at 99 cent store and is good for double points also

Monday, August 31, 2009Name: Winifred Kennedy Scotland

Subject: Basic pattern

Comment: If you have a basic plain pattern use this all the time and add in your own stitch pattern. Each time you knit it it will look like you have used a different pattern. Do round or v neck cardigans and jumpers. Use up odd bits of wool and make stripes as well. This will save you a fortune on patterns as they are so expensive now.

Saturday, August 29, 2009Name: Nelie

Subject: On the go knitting

Comment: I use a gallon zip lock bag to store my small projects that I take with me. Just put the yarn and needles in the bag and zip shut. When you want to knit just remove the knitted potion from the bag. The yarn will feed easily out of the bag and keep the yarn clean and organized at the same time.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009Name: Leslie

Subject: tracking rows

Comment: I create spread sheets for many projects! I list all rows, the pattern for the row, and use a graph to check off the row I just completed. I don't lose track of how many rows between cabling anymore! I also have a record of how many rows I've done, in case I have to make a duplicate.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009Name: Aileen

Subject: dropped stiches

Comment: I use a crochet hook to pick up stitches or to correct stitches down a pattern. I find using the crochet hook saves me having to rip out rows of work just have to drop down the one stitch and when the error has been corrected you do not see where the mistake was made. It is really tidy.

Monday, August 24, 2009Name: Joseph Eisner

Subject: Counting Rows

Comment: I find that if a stitch marker is placed on the needle which is cast on to, counting rows is much easier. If your work is on the needle with the stitch marker, it is an even row, if not, it is an odd row. Have fun out there.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009Name: Sue

Subject: Beg, and End of Knitting

Comment: If you always slip the first stitch on every row of knitting and always knit the last your knitting will be easier to sew up and be neater. This tip was given me by an elderly relative that was a Tailoress in her youth and she never ever had nothing in her hands. I always remember her knitting somethin or other.

Saturday, August 15, 2009Name: linda

Subject: stretched stitches

Comment: never put down your knitting in the middle of a row, as this causes a stretched stitch and makes it looks uneven on a finished project

Tuesday, August 11, 2009Name: Kathy

Subject: Knotty Yarn

Comment: if your like me (which you probably are:P) and you hate sitting there for hours on end untangling the yarn from your most recent project, before you start your project put your yarn in an empty coffee ground can (a bigger one gives you more space for the bigger balls of yarn) and cut a slice in the lid for the yarn to come out the top. plus when your not working you can just slide your needles into the slice in the top also helping you keep track of your projects if you have trouble with that.

Wednesday, August 05, 2009Name: BR

Subject: tails of yarn

Comment: Use the small plastic tabs at the ends of loaf bread to wind tails on while knitting the product.

Monday, August 03, 2009Name: Maddie

Subject: Yarn

Comment: Here are a few tips!

1) If you are a new knitter (or an experienced knitter1) I found that you can go to Goodwill and buy a large bag of yarn for very cheap! It's nice if you're new to knitting because you can mess up as many times as you want and not feel bad about wasting expensive yarn!

2) If you are part of a knitting club or have a circle of friends who knit, have a get together and bring all your extra yarn bits. If you have done many projects and have lots of extra this is great because you can trade with friends and get new yarn exchange... Then if you knit them all into one scarf the outcome is reallllllly cool!

Sunday, August 02, 2009Name: Winifred Kennedy

Subject: row counter

Comment: I usually use a pencil and paper to mark my rows and that way you always know where you are if you have to stop in the middle of knitting, but it isn't always easy to use paper and pen say when travelling so I use one of the row counters you put on the end of your knitting needles and use an old necklace chain and hang it round my neck that way it is always with you and you cant lose it.

Monday, July 27, 2009Name: Jacqueline

Subject: Storing needles

Comment: I was at a loss about where to store my needles. I didn't want them in with my stash, because they would get tangled with the yarn. I came up with the idea to store my needles in a flower vase. It is very effective, and looks very interesting! :)

Friday, July 24, 2009Name: Vanya

Subject: Swapping between purl and knit stitches...

Comment: When a pattern calls for u to knit and purl stitches within the same row, u have to move your yarn to the front or back of your work before switching between knitting and purling, depending on what stitch u r swapping to. So if u are knitting a knit stitch, and your next stitch is a purl, bring the yarn forward (from the back of your work), between the two needles to the front of your work BEFORE purling the next stitch. Likewise, if u are purling and the next stitch is a knit stitch, bring the yarn from the front of the work, thru the 2 needles and to the back of the work before knitting the knit stitch. (note, this is similar, but not the same as the "yfwd" and "ybck" instructions). Therefore, before knitting a knit stitch, ensure your yarn is at the back of your work - conversely, before a purl stitch, ensure that your yarn is at the front of your work. This may be an obvious knitting truth, but i was unaware of it until recently, and now the possibilities of patterns seem endless to me!

Thursday, July 23, 2009Name: Magii

Subject: Strengthening Bags

Comment: I recently found that by combining my second favorite hobby (fishing) with my first(knit/crochet), the bags I make won't stretch all crazy and bug me anymore. Along with my favorite yarn, I just use a strand of nice cheap lightweight fishing line from walmart. It makes it much sturdier, without needing to add a cloth liner or felting. Hope you find it helpful

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