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Here you can read or submit your own humorous stories and bits of encouragement, whether they be nostalgic, mirthful, or thought-provoking. Any memorable, true-life knitting story qualifies, so sit back and relax to read--or submit!

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Tuesday, December 25, 2007Name: Claire

Subject: sox and sweaters

Comment: I also love knitting, I just learned to knit cables, my favorite is turning the heel on sox. I wish someone would knit the top and foot, and just let me turn the heels. I'm about to start a fisherman's sweater, I can hardly wait. I also find it relieves stress, and keeps my fingers busy and my mind quiet.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007Name: Katie Wright

Subject: 1/2 Century Knitter

Comment: I will soon be a 1/2 century knitter, starting at age 12, taught by my mother. I still knit some everyday as it is stress release for my hectic social worker/teacher job. I also make hats and scarves to send to needy people each fall. This brings great joy in sharing. I knit for a children's home in my state of Missouri. This year I was asked to have a month long display of my knitting at our local free public library where many people responded to me with taking up knitting or getting back to knitting. Thanks be to yarn and those clicking needles....Happy knitting to all my fellow knitters. Katie

Monday, December 17, 2007Name: Jordan

Subject: Young knitters

Comment: I am only 11, but I have been knitting and crocheting for a few years. I'm glad their are so many young knitters, that can help people who could use a blanket or a sweater. So knit on!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007Name: Daeien

Subject: Hope for the Ill

Comment: I've been knitting for several years (my Mom taught me when I was 10) but a year ago I got depressed for about six months. I was burnt out on everything. My work, my hobbies, I even stopped wanting to read! Then one day I was in a book store with a friend and there was a book on knitting toys. My friend (who works at a Hospital) was saying that the intensive Care Unit children are given toys when they get there and that they often ran out. I was inspired and am now knitting toys for the ICU kids. My depression lifted and I thank the Heavenly Father and Knitting for helping me out of my depression and making sick children happier.

Sunday, December 09, 2007Name: Luisa

Subject: selling stuff

Comment: I was thinking: i want to make something to sell, so i got a ball of feather yarn, cast on 10 stitches, and just knitted! i sell the scarfs for �3.99

Sunday, December 02, 2007Name: Tarah

Subject: Hooked on Knitting

Comment: I just picked up knitting after a 35 year hiatus. I am a teacher who teaches at-risk students and many of my students are pregnant girls. I've begun knitting baby blankets for my students' babies, and it has become the most rewarding experience in my life (besides teaching). Every day I can't wait to get home to get back to my knitting!! It relieves stress, it keeps me from eating, and I JUST LOVE IT!!!!

Thursday, November 22, 2007Name: Bekah

Subject: Even kids knit :)

Comment: I'm 12, and many people think it's weird when i knit! But i really like it!

I've just discovered the art of yarn overs, so most of my projects are now embellished with them!

Changing colors to make stripes are also a new one of my knitting past times! lol.

Thursday, November 22, 2007Name: Melissa

Subject: weird

Comment: Yeah my mama always says that I am obsessed with knitting bc I take it with me everywhere (thank God for circulars). Its weird being 12 and being the only one that knows how to knit...but all my friends think its really cool...which is why I have like 6 projects to do...ha now I'm working on this gorgeous pastel blue cabled scarf. But I think I'm going to run outta yarn :( O well...

Tuesday, November 20, 2007Name: Stacy

Subject: little blue hat

Comment: Just a few weeks ago I gave birth to a beautiful tiny little boy. He was born 16 weeks early and weighed 1 lb 9 ounces. In the hours after his birth when my husband and I anxiously waited to see if he could possibly survive a lady rolled in a cart full of beautiful knitted hats, blankets, and booties for me to choose from. I chose a blue hat lovingly made by someone named Pat. That little hat stayed with me for weeks as a symbol of my hope for my son. Now he is big enough to wear it (3 lbs!) and is doing well. If you knit for hospitals, shelters, or other organizations; thank you. In one of the worst moments of my life I was encouraged by a tiny blue hat and the love that went into its creation.

Saturday, November 17, 2007Name: sandy

Subject: knitting is the best

Comment: I have knitted all of my life. I am 62 now. Until the Yarn Harlot came along I had no idea that other people had "stashes" and knitted everyday. I am so happy to find out I am not alone. I am noting with all of the blogs and such that people who knit are very nice. I pray the rosary as I knit sometimes.

I am working on a shawl in laceweight yarn...oh my gosh....can I really do this?

Saturday, November 10, 2007Name: MousieWoman

Subject: 2 scarfs!!

Comment: Hi MousieWoman here, How do you know I like knitting and Pearl Tea? Tonight I'm knitting 2 scarfs!! One brown and the other light green, and the tea? Well lets just say if you go into my closet you'll find about 20 cans of Pearl Tea in there!!!! It shows how much I love knitting and Pearl Tea, HAPPY KNITTING TO ALL,


Saturday, November 10, 2007Name: Sarah

Subject: yarn club

Comment: I am 16 and have recently just started Knitting and i love it it relieves soo much stress
One of my friends started a yarn club at our high school for knitting and crocheting The club is making blankets for a battered womens' shelter

Monday, October 29, 2007Name: Betsy

Subject: Knitting

Comment: I've been knitting/crocheting since I was 7 years old. I've given most of my projects away to friends but a year ago I began making blankets for the local hospital nursery. You would be surprised at how many people don't even have a blanket to take their baby home it. In the past 14 months I've donated 74 knitted and crocheted baby blankets. If any of you have extra time, I'm sure your local hospital would also appreciate any donations you can make. Keep on knitting!!!

Sunday, October 28, 2007Name: Elana

Subject: Guys do it too!

Comment: Hey everyone! I'm thirteen and have been knitting four about three years. It's awesome!! I'm also a tomboy, and whenever people see me knitting, they think it's kind of strange. But hey, my dad knits! It's a great skill to learn. Did you know that knitting was supposedly invented by pirates?! Wow!!

Thursday, October 18, 2007Name: Patty

Subject: knitting

Comment: Hello to all you avid knitters! I have joined the ranks of "hate to even put it down" knitters when I started working at the local hospital as a patient safety attendant. Since sick folks sleep a lot, and I have to be alert to watch out for them, I began to knit in earnest. I always did like to knit, but have other hobbies too. I have made many small items for gifts and bazaar these past five years, but recently my supervisor has mandated 'no more knitting'. Reasons are obscure. I am saddened, as reading and television make me sleepy. I bought a laptop computer, which I like, but I miss making things to show for my "idle time". Should I mention how much less housework I do since I am knitting more at home? Oh, dear..

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