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Tips 'n Tricks

Do you have a helpful hint or handy trick that will make any aspect of knitting easier? Share it! Post ideas on scrap yarn usages, stitch markers, color changing, maintaining your sanity while following a difficult pattern, etc. There is most probably someone out there that will benefit from your help. Need ideas yourself? Read others' comments--we all live and learn!

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Friday, December 29, 2006Name: Kathy

Subject: Keeping track of pattern

Comment: When you are knitting a pattern from a chart, get a sticky post-it note and place it on the chart so that the row you are working on shows. Keep moving the sticky note every row, so you always know where you're at.

Thursday, December 28, 2006Name: gail

Subject: remembering which needle

Comment: when you are working a pattern that requires you to keep track of one needle over the other (when one side is always the "increase", or "pattern" side, for example), rather than marking one of the needles, use two different needles of the same size.
I might use two wooden needles that are different shapes. I have also often used one wood and one metal needle and found it works beautifully.
This way I am sure to remember which side I am working on and rarely have to go back and undo my work!

Wednesday, December 27, 2006Name: elise

Subject: needles

Comment: any experienced knitter should know that knitting with metal needles is actually dangerous and can lead to arthritis

i knit on bamboo circular even when i don't want to knit in the round and what a difference, no more aching shoulders or searching for the other needle

it is also less dangerous to leave lying around

Wednesday, December 27, 2006Name: elise

Subject: knitting

Comment: my hands get sweaty and my knitting gets tight so now i add talk to my hands and it stops the problem and leaves the finished product smelling lovely

Wednesday, December 27, 2006Name: katy

Subject: stand

Comment: i put my knitting patterns on a music stand, that way they last longer and it is a lot easier to see them, you dont have to keep looking down at the pattern and it doesn't keep falling on the floor lol

Wednesday, December 27, 2006Name: katy

Subject: keeping track

Comment: i discovered a really easy way to keep track of where you are when you are knitting and make your patterns last forever, i get the laminated then punch holes in them and attach them together with treasury tags, then i bought a wipeable board marker and i can write all over my patterns and then wipe off, it really does make life so much easier

Wednesday, December 27, 2006Name: CKC

Subject: A little bit of everything...

Comment: Pattern problems? Type/write your pattern on index cards, slip them onto a embroidery floss ring, and you're set to go! (Also to maintain your spot when flipping back and forth, try to get all different colored index card, or a bread tie to put in between cards.)
Where are my stitch markers? You could put these in an old prescription bottle, mint tin, film container, or a small coin purse.
I don't remember how to do this? It's not realistic to carry around all of your knitting books, so photo-copy the pages you are frequently using, i.e. make one, yarn over, 3-needle bind off...slip them in a folder or a report cover. (It's good to have the basics too if you happen to teach someone new, so they can have a visual.) Hope these tips help!

Friday, December 22, 2006Name: Princess Grandma

Subject: Yarn

Comment: hello to all those knitters out there. if you are doing a project and don't have enough bobbins all u need to do is get some cardboard and some scissors and cut out a shape that looks like a bobbin. Hey presto!! u got urself a handmade bobbin!!!

Wednesday, December 20, 2006Name: Sheila Diamond

Subject: fingernails

Comment: Keep a small emery board with your knitting supplies to file that rough spot on a fingernail that keeps catching on your knitting. This is especially handy when travelling.

(This section on "Tips" is great.)

Tuesday, December 19, 2006Name: George W.

Subject: Fast Fair Isle!

Comment: My tip for Fair Isle knitting, is to hold a colour in each hand. Knit one colour English Style, and one colour Continental. Using this method, you will never have tangles in your yarn, not to mention it's twice as fast as constantly dropping and picking up yarn.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006Name: bonnie

Subject: markers

Comment: When knitting I have lost markers, so one day I went into the garage and got some of my husbands 0-rings and used them. So now when I need a marker I have plenty of all different sizes.

Monday, December 11, 2006Name: Heather Tucker

Subject: Intarsia Knitting

Comment: When I want to knit intarsia on my knitting machine I enlarge the pattern and tuck it in a plastic sleeve. Then as I knit each row I mark it off on the sleeve with an eye brow pencil. Then when I have finished the pattern I just rub the marks off. I never loose my place.

Sunday, December 10, 2006Name: knitter

Subject: storage

Comment: my friend recently told me this really awesome idea for storing yarn. she has this plastic thing that you hang on the back of your door (pretty much a shoe organizer) and she stuck a ball of yarn in each clear plastic pocket. You can see the yarn, it's organized, and its easily accessible!

Monday, December 04, 2006Name: lily

Subject: keeping track

Comment: To keep track of what yarn you used, how to treat it, and what you used it for, do the following:
Buy a blank paged journal, paste the paper that comes with the yarn on it (only paste the top so you can flip it over), tape in a small piece of the yarn, and a picture or description of what you made.

It is easy and helpful, esp. when you need to know what can be washed and how.

Monday, December 04, 2006Name: Jordi

Subject: Knitting Log

Comment: I hate it when i forget where i left off on my knitting. So I record it in a knitting log. It helps me remember. You all should try it!

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