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Today (November 1st) is Knitting Pattern Central's 8th birthday. Party time!!! - 4461 days ago Knitty.com Deep Fall Issue - See the Patterns! - 4504 days ago Visit our sister site: Crochet Pattern Central Cross Stitch Pattern Central Tatting Pattern Central Embroidery Pattern Central |
Tips 'n TricksDo you have a helpful hint or handy trick that will make any aspect of knitting easier? Share it! Post ideas on scrap yarn usages, stitch markers, color changing, maintaining your sanity while following a difficult pattern, etc. There is most probably someone out there that will benefit from your help. Need ideas yourself? Read others' comments--we all live and learn! Jump to submit form Friday, February 04, 2005Name: Eva Hayes Subject: Unknitting rows Comment: For difficult patterns or textured yarns I thread a sewing needle with contrasting color yarn, catch all the stitches,leaving the colored yarn in the knitting. I do this every 10 rows or so. To correct a mistake, I undo knitting to the colored yarn..Found this on internet somewhere. Tuesday, January 18, 2005Name: Paula Jo Merrill Subject: Counting stitches Comment: I put a marker after every 1 or 2 pattern repeats, depending on the lenght of the repeat. Place a marker every 10-20 sts on a non-repeating pattern such as stokinette. This makes it much easier to find the dropped or added stitch when the count comes out wrong, especially when using the new textured or eyelash type yarns. Thursday, January 13, 2005Name: ROSEMARY MALATESTA Subject: Finishing Hats Comment: I find that I can close the top of a hat tighter if I leave a long enough length of yarn at the end to pull the remaining stitches closed with a double thickness of yarn. Also I leave a long enough tail of yarn at both ends so that I can sew the back seam halfway from both ends to the middle so there are no visible tails to weave in at the cuff. Tuesday, January 11, 2005Name: Joan Anderson Subject: Casting on with dp needles Comment: I've been knitting on and off for 40 years and still keep learning new things. Here is a simple tip: When casting on sts (like for mittens) cast them on on single pointed needles and do 4 or 5 rows, then switch to the double pointed needles. It makes it much easier and your work doesn't twist. There is only a tiny bit to sew up. Saturday, December 18, 2004Name: Amy Finlay Subject: handmade DPN's Comment: I like to make my own Double Pointed Needles out of dowels from the hardware store (for the sizes that are possible). I sharpen them to a point with a long-pointed pencil sharpener, or shave them, and sand them with 150, then 400 grade (very very fine) sand paper. I also make wooden cable needles (short DPN's used for creating knit cables) this way. I like them better than metal or plastic cable needles, because they don't need that u-shaped bend to stay in the work. The other day my niece and nephew both wanted me to teach them to knit. I did, and I sent them home each with a pair of my handmade needles (2 DPN's each, which function fine as straight needles for small projects!), and small balls of yarn from my knitting bag. It's great to have home-made needles on hand to give away, because they're so affordable I think nothing of it! Wednesday, November 24, 2004Name: Brenda Subject: markers Comment: I have been knitting for over 20 years and over the years I have either misplaced my markers or lost them- I used my husbands metal washers! when I am knitting a raglan sweater I just slide a washer on the needle and keep going- one package has about 50 washers for under a $1.00! Select A Page Share your own hints by filling in the form below... Notice: If you want to send me (the webmistress) a "thank you" using this form, that is fine (I appreciate it). However, I may not be posting it publicly for all to see, and I have no way of responding without knowing your email address. Notice: By submitting your content, you are agreeing to have it displayed on this page. I retain the right to edit and/or refuse unsuitable content. (Unsuitable content includes questions and help requests.) All submissions are checked before being published. |