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Tips 'n TricksDo you have a helpful hint or handy trick that will make any aspect of knitting easier? Share it! Post ideas on scrap yarn usages, stitch markers, color changing, maintaining your sanity while following a difficult pattern, etc. There is most probably someone out there that will benefit from your help. Need ideas yourself? Read others' comments--we all live and learn! Jump to submit form Wednesday, March 08, 2006Name: Joan Stroud Subject: following patterns Comment: I find that if I copy or scan my pattern and keep it in a clear page protector, then I can mark off my rows with a dry erasable marker. Then just wipe the page when finished and start again. Saturday, March 04, 2006Name: Amy Subject: Point protectors Comment: i feel that it is stupid to waste money on point protectors. Instead when i am finished with a bottle of wine, i save the corks. Make a little hole atthe bottom of each and slip the needle in. It works like a charm. Saturday, March 04, 2006Name: Amy Subject: storage Comment: When storing your yarn keep a fresh smelling bar of soap in the bin/container/basket. Your yarn wil always smell fresh and clean Tuesday, February 28, 2006Name: louine Subject: wooden needles Comment: I love knitting with wooden kneedles but sometimes the yarn just doesn't move well on them so I spray an old tee shirt with spray wax such as Pledge and then wipe the kneedles with the shirt. Sunday, February 26, 2006Name: Ellen Subject: Handy Tools Comment: I always have a crochet hook in my knitting bag. A crochet hook with a shaft slightly smaller than the size of the knitting stitch makes picking up dropped stitches so easy. No need to rip out rows to make the repairs. In an emergency, straighten the end of a paper clip that has only one loop. Then use the smaller loop as a hook while holding it by the larger loop. Friday, February 17, 2006Name: Carrie Subject: Keeping track of rows Comment: To keep track of your rows without using any extra tools, first, make a copy of your pattern. Then poke a small hole through the paper next to each completed row. Friday, February 17, 2006Name: mmadams Subject: picking up stiches Comment: When picking up stitches (because the pattern tells you to or because you had to rip somethin out) use a size 1 or 2 needle. You won't stretch out your knit fabric- and it's a little easier to get into tight spaces Thursday, February 16, 2006Name: Barb Subject: No pain! Comment: For anyone with neck, shoulder or hand problems, try using circular needles for everything. Knit back and forth as you would with straight needles. The weight of your project will be supported in your lap, rather than your wrists, etc. holding it up on those long needles. Tuesday, February 14, 2006Name: Katie Subject: Row Counting Comment: In addition to using a spool counter to keep track of how many rows I've completed, I always cast on to the needle with the spool counter. That way if that needle is in my right hand I know I'm on an odd row (which comes in handy if, like me, you sometimes forget to change the number between rows!) Monday, February 13, 2006Name: JUDY Subject: Markers Comment: My favorite markers are the small rubber bands for ponytails--very inexpensive!! Many of them come in bright colors. I've also used the rubber bands for braces on smaller needles. Monday, February 13, 2006Name: iveenstra Subject: keeping track of your patterns Comment: i am a person who *used to* easily lose track of where i left off in my
knitting pattern(s). especially when i take my knitting with me on my outtings. Thursday, February 02, 2006Name: sally Subject: keeping up with pattern Comment: I always make a photocopy of the pattern I am working with. This way I can make notes, underline the size I am working with, mark particular rows that might have a different annotation etc. Also always keep a notebook handy. Thursday, February 02, 2006Name: sally Subject: bobbles Comment: when making bobbles, after you have got back to the one stitch on the right hand needles, bring the yarn towards you, slip this stitch to left hand needle, take yarn to back and slip st back onto right hand needles, now pull tight, this ensures that your bobble will not slip to the back as they are want to do. Tuesday, January 24, 2006Name: Ruth Lepp Subject: making cables without a cable holder Comment: I love to make fisherman sweaters, and do a lot of knitting on the bus, I found a way not to always be dropping my cable needle: don't use one! Say you are ready to make a cable twist in a cable 6 stitches across. Simply knit those 6 stitches a bit loosely, then slide them off your right-hand needle. Now scoop up stitches 1-2-3 on your left needle, and scoop up stitches 4-5-6 on the right needle. Then transfer stitches 1-2-3 from the left needle to the right. All you have done is rearrange the order in which the stitches sit on your right-hand needle, and you have a cable twist. Don't be afraid to slip the 6 stitches off the needle "into mid-air" -- as long as you keep your needles close together, nothing will unravel. Monday, January 23, 2006Name: Helen Subject: Avoiding ladders w/ 3 needles Comment: I got this hint from an other web site. When knitting in the round w/ double point needles, mark the beginning of the row and with each round work the last few stiches off the next needle for all three needles. It will eliminate the "ladders" that form due between the needles. I made several mittens this winter using this hint and it works very well. Select A Page Share your own hints by filling in the form below... Notice: If you want to send me (the webmistress) a "thank you" using this form, that is fine (I appreciate it). However, I may not be posting it publicly for all to see, and I have no way of responding without knowing your email address. Notice: By submitting your content, you are agreeing to have it displayed on this page. I retain the right to edit and/or refuse unsuitable content. (Unsuitable content includes questions and help requests.) All submissions are checked before being published. |