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Thursday, November 03, 2011Name: Tammy

Subject: My friends don't knit

Comment: i find it really sad that more people my age don't knit (no offense to any one here who is 12), it's a great way to pass time and you get such beautiful results. I told my friends about knitting and they looked at me really weirdly so i bought in some things that i've knitted, 2 of them are having a go but the others think its for old ladies or something. Also my local yarn shop has closed down so i have to travel further to get nice wool.

Thursday, November 03, 2011Name: Tammy

Subject: knitting for charity

Comment: i read Karen's testimonial and it sounds so fullfilling to knit for charity, i think i might make some toys and give them to the local orphanige fund. p.s i think what Karen is doing is amazing. tammy age 12x

Wednesday, November 02, 2011Name: tammy

Subject: making a hat

Comment: i previously wrote about knitting when i get bored, i was looking for some books that teach you step by step how to do different techniques and i recently got one, First Knits, by Luise Roberts and Kate Haxell. The title makes it seem really babyish but it actually covers everything you need to know in Knitting, there are some pretty cool projects in it as well. Anyone who wants to better their knitting i urge you to read this book, it has bought me from okay to expert just by reading it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)

Tuesday, November 01, 2011Name: Gangster Knitter

Subject: messing up and never giving up

Comment: When I was 10 I started kniting. I was trying to make a scarf for my brother because he was sick; when I finished, I had under wear (LOL)!! I quit for 5 YEARS!!!!!!!! I was in Vermont in the winter and I was REALLY bored (all that snow!!!). So I went to the general store and the only thing they had was KNITTING NEEDLES AND YARN!!!!!!!! AH!!!!!!!!! I got a pair though and started a hat. It turned into a tube top. But I felt better, because I had actually tried! I tried again and again and again, going through 3 balls of wool, but I eventually got it!!!!!!! Now, I cant put my needles down!!!!!!! My advice to any first time knitters is to never give up, and to try and br patient!!!

Thursday, October 27, 2011Name: tammy

Subject: writing patterns

Comment: when i get bored i turn to my faithful needles, i'm 12 and i've just started making up my own patterns for toys, gloves and hats. This website has really helped me to understand how you write out patterns. Thanks.

Thursday, October 27, 2011Name: Jade

Subject: i love knitting

Comment: hi im only 12, my mum taught me how to knit when i was like 5 or something and i recently taught my friend how to knit and the only downside to knitting is its so addictive that i get into a trance with it and kind of forget about my homework.
happy knitting! :P

Thursday, October 27, 2011Name: Candice

Subject: I can do it!

Comment: About two years ago, I learned how to knit. I once was going to cry because I didn't get it! But now, I can knit TONS of stuff!

Sunday, October 23, 2011Name: Sladie

Subject: Learned to knit in an hour

Comment: I learned how to knit in literally an hour. Always wanted to know and a friend showed me how to start. A few questions I asked over the phone but otherwise figured things out. My train of thought - never be afraid of learning, failing, and then succeeding. Am I good? Not even close yet. I am just learning :-)

Sunday, October 23, 2011Name: Sadie

Subject: I <3 knitting

Comment: I started knitting not too long ago. I took lessons from a proffessional teacher. The moment I started I knew that I would love knitting. When I was done taking lessons, I started to learn more on my own. My family really likes to take advantage of me by asking for random stuff that I don't even know how to knit. I found this site and imediately fell in love. Now I am selling my knitted stuff to friends, and hope to eventually be able to sell it publically. KNITTING ROCKS!!!!

Thursday, October 20, 2011Name: anel nicely

Subject: my own thing

Comment: i am a 17 years i was in a girl home and i love knitting

Tuesday, October 18, 2011Name: Sherry

Subject: love to knit

Comment: Thanks God for the gift of learning how to knit friend told me that knitting is like a drug to me ..she said that she is going to send me to knitting ..I told her that knitting is my passion ..and that my name is Knitalcoholic :)

Wednesday, October 12, 2011Name: linda

Subject: messy house

Comment: surely i cannot be the only person in the world who can sit and knit in a messy house!! clean house or knit? der house gets done eventually, knitting needs to get finished now!!!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011Name: lyn

Subject: teaching to knit

Comment: i think every one of us, over the age of 40, should teach at least 1 person under the age of 12 ( boys and girls) to knit, otherwise in 50 years this art will die out.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011Name: linda

Subject: teaching knitting

Comment: why are all the young knitters from usa and not from england, come on all you british mums and nans, teach your kids and grandkids to knit

Monday, October 10, 2011Name: olivia

Subject: passing time

Comment: Knitting has helped me pass time when I need to be patient because I am only 9.

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