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Encouragement and Testimonials

Here you can read or submit your own humorous stories and bits of encouragement, whether they be nostalgic, mirthful, or thought-provoking. Any memorable, true-life knitting story qualifies, so sit back and relax to read--or submit!

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Saturday, October 08, 2011Name: Edie

Subject: FUN FUN FUN

Comment: I am a 55 yr old grandma and have been knitting for over 40 yrs. I also crochet but prefer to knit. I taught myself (Mom was a crocheter) and I have had many years of enjoyment and relaxation from knitting. Now that I am disabled I find that knitting is the only way I can afford to give gifts. I also love the looks of utter enjoyment when a recepient opens one of my hand made from the heart gifts. Knitting needles at attention...KNIT ONE PEARL TWO

Sunday, October 02, 2011Name: Karen

Subject: Knitting

Comment: Although I knew how to knit earlier in life, I found that crochet was my choice and I did so many baby blankets over the years that everyone I know should have one AND then I found Knitting again and have not picked up a crochet hook in a couple years. I knit every evening and usually have a "big" project going on and then make scarves for the needy as a break from the "big" project. Each year around Thanksgiving I will take all the scarves I've made and take them to the homeless shelters or elementary schools for their closets for the kids that need something warm. I do enjoy my knitting and it makes me feel good that I am doing something for the children and community.

Saturday, October 01, 2011Name: Tabatha Hernandez

Subject: Knitting with family

Comment: I have always been good with needles and thread or yarn. Years ago I learned to knit with my son. I've been knitting ever since. Now I teach others to do knitting, sewing and crocheting. I always try to learn new techniques because I love the challenge and it keeps it fresh. Any time I leave home rest assured that I have my knitting needles, crochet hooks, at least 2 patterns and 2 balls of yarn. No sense sitting in waiting rooms and not making a wash cloth or a hat. Happy Stitching.

Sunday, September 25, 2011Name: Maria

Subject: life saving knitting

Comment: Thank heavens for knitting! A full year ago my husband lost his job. Stressed out from a struggling marriage and financial difficulties as well, I took up knitting to provide some cheap Christmas presents. I am thoroughly addicted! My husband is now finally employed and we are getting along much better. However, he does complain about all the yarn lying about the house....

Saturday, September 24, 2011Name: Laura

Subject: Never say never

Comment: When I was about seven and younger my mom taught me how to knit... About four years ago I've really picked it up and have created so many things that I don't know why I ever put it down, but with lifes business I guess I put it on the back burner as to say. My comment is to say never say never, dont be afraid to ask questions if you get stuck on something, someone will be glad to help you out...

Enjoy it!!!

Sunday, September 11, 2011Name: Charlene

Subject: Stress reliever

Comment: Learning how to knit was harder for me than learning to crochet. Now I love doing both. I went through a dark period in my life about 3 years ago. I wish I knew how to knit and crochet than. It is a great stress reliever.

Tuesday, September 06, 2011Name: LEE

Subject: Teach em

Comment: you Grandmas and Mommas, it's so much easier to learn by watching someone than by a picture book like i learned. if you know a teenage girl, try offering to teach them how to knit. you may be surprised that they would love to learn. i just wish someone would've taught me.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011Name: Marilyn

Subject: lefties knitting

Comment: If you are a lefty and want to learn to knit, try to do it right-handed. Any new skill is awkward at first, so don't be upset if it does not feel "right". and you can learn to knit with the yarn held in your left hand if that feels better. In fact, you should learn to do it both ways eventually so that you can knit with two colors! I am a lefty who learned to knit right-handed as a child and it is a lot easier than trying to adjust a pattern to "lefty" knitting!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011Name: Kame

Subject: Scarves

Comment: I'm 20 and I've been knitting on and off since I was 9 although I never finished anything I started. I recently came across some beautiful wool I knitted into a scarf for my sister. Now her friends have paid me to do more for them. And my nephews keep hounding me for theirs.
I love knitting! And they make such nice gifts!

Sunday, August 28, 2011Name: Carly

Subject: Knitting

Comment: I am also the same age as Ashley (another knitter who just posted on here. im also 20.) And I have been knitting for a year and a half. I learned a couple months before my 19 birthday (which was last year). And so for I have learned A LOT of stuff. I learned the basic knitting stitch and I learned how to cable knit a couple months ago. Now I have two pairs of dpns (double pointed needles) and im knitting a fuzzy (or eyelash) yarn scarf on dpns. So go out and try new things! It wont hurt you!

Thursday, August 25, 2011Name: Alice

Subject: Grandfathers like James

Comment: If only all grandfathers could be like James how much richer would our society be..... Knitting for your grandchildren is such a pleasure. I am sure that what he creates will become a family heirloom. To be able to create and leave such wonderful legacy for long after you have gone is a wonderful. Keep knitting James.

Sunday, August 21, 2011Name: Andrew

Subject: Steve's Encouragement

Comment: How wonderful to hear from Steve that he enjoys knitting and encourages other guys to follow their interests in this area! Good also to hear that he attended a school where such activities were also developed for boys! Really most encouraging and unique! Just wondering where such schools are?

Thursday, August 18, 2011Name: Karen

Subject: Football knitting

Comment: I learned to knit at a very unusual place: a football game at my high school. I don't know if the adrenaline in the air had anything to do with it, but I've been an avid knitter ever since. Unfortuatly, I'm something of a perfectionist, and that can turn a relaxing hobby into a 5-alarm stress zone. My advice: IT'S JUST KNITTING. It is fun and an art form. So, new knitters, don't freak if you are on the WS, or if you have one stitch too many. Take a deep breath and smile. Now your project is even more unique and wonderful. Save the stress for trying to figure out what the point of football is. Happy knitting!

Thursday, August 18, 2011Name: James Ferguson

Subject: Becoming a Grandfather

Comment: Just recently I found out that I was to become a grandfather. Having restricted movement and feeling I would have little to offer I decided that knitting would be a practical way to be supportive. It has opened up a whole new world for me. It has given me a purpose and it is practical. What I do is valued and has made me feel useful again.

Thursday, August 18, 2011Name: Steve

Subject: Guys can knit too!

Comment: A word of encouragement to all those guys who enjoy knitting - keep up the good work! I was lucky enough to be introduced to this skill at my school and have really loved spending time developing my skills in this craft! Give it a go guys!

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